This set of plastic replicas display structural steel groove weld flaws. Each inspector or welder should be able to evaluate these flaws for compliance with code requirements. In addition, a back-step sequence replica and cascade replica has been introduced. Being able to recognize these flaws will make you a better welder, fabricator, or inspector.
R10-1: Plate groove weld with hi-low and IPD
R10-2: Plate groove weld with excessive face re-inforcement – root acceptable
R10-3: Plate FCAW groove weld with 2 burn-throughs (BT) on root
R10-4: Plate SMAW groove welds with 2 burn throughs on root
R10-5: Plate GTAW groove weld with root inadequate penetration (IP)
R10-6: Plate SMAW groove weld with excessive root penetration
R10-7: Plate SMAW groove weld with face re-inforcement with arc strikes, weld spatter, root acceptable
R10-8: Plate GTAW cascade groove weld
R10-9: Plate GTAW groove weld with face re-inforcement – concavity and root concavity
R10-10: Plate SMAW groove weld with face re-inforcement (3 passes showing) with weld spatter, root-back welded
R10-11: Plate SMAW groove weld with a back step method of application
R10-12: Plate SMAW groove weld with underfill on the face and concavity on the root
R10-13: Butt weld with root bead gouged, prepared and waiting to be back welded
R10-14: Butt weld that had a backing weld performed on the root side and the groove waiting to be prepared and then welded
R10-15: Cross section of a thick weldment with slag inclusions noted between passes
R10-16: Butt-weld with undercut on toe of weld & excessive face reinforcement
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